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After Sale Support

When you purchase a Campbell horizontal flow wrapper, you can expect world class product quality and a commitment to customer support excellence. Campbell's promise is to maintain a lasting relationship with our customers. This promise is vital to our combined success.

Campbell's customer support representatives will assist you with parts, service, upgrades and retrofit changes to our installed equipment.

Whether we are converting new equipment or reconditioning an older machine, in your plant or ours, each job is managed with the same attention to detail. Our staff will evaluate your machine and suggest modifications to meet your new requirements. Understanding your needs and getting your machines back on line as fast as possible is our goal!

Having parts available to ensure your machine is up and running is our #1 priority. Quick turnaround on all orders and on-time delivery are as important to us as they are to you! Our extensive computerized database supports our permanent parts inventory investment.

Lorri Abel - Customer Support Sales Representative
+1 (920) 983-7362 or +1 (800) 727-4210
E-mail Lorri Abel

Tracy Berna - Customer Support Sales Representative
+1 (920) 983-7347 or +1 (800) 727-4210
E-mail Tracy Berna

Mary Heindel - Customer Support Sales Representative
Office: +1 (920) 983-7324 or 1-800-727-4210
E-mail Mary Heindel